Friday, August 27, 2010

Whale Watching

This morning we took a boat out of the Cape Cod Bay to go whale watching. It was an incredible experience. The storm from earlier in the week stirred the fish further toward the surface and we were able to witness a whale feast. Many, many whales were splashing and flipping while eating the fish there. The guide told us it was a unique event, to see so many feeding at one time so close to the surface.

The rest of the afternoon was spent walking around Provincetown, MA. This is the location of the first Mayflower landing and the signing of the Mayflower compact. After 5 weeks of exploration, the pilgrims left this shore and headed to what is now Plymouth. Plymouth became the first permanent settlement in North America. A monument to the Pilgrims was built in 1910 in Provincetown to commemorate the first landing. It is a 252 foot tower that over looks the bay. On a clear day you can see Boston. Grant and I made the climb to the top (Xan rode in his backpack).

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